Omo Awo Training Course
(Student of Mystery System)
/fa is Eleri /pin (Witness to Fate)
“Initiation Without Education is an Abomination!”
This training package is respectfully dedicated to Baba lfa Yomi Fagbenro, Baba Tunde
Muyeeb, Baba Esu Dele Fagbenro and Baba Tyehimba Bandele our great community
leaders, teachers and guides!
Temple of MAAT Spiritual Center House of Destiny
Baba Samuel Obahnjoko -Priest
Phone: 214-259-5289
E-mail: info@omoawo.com
Omo Awo Conference Call
Conference Callback
Phone: 515-604-9655/Access Code 226826
- 3 Sections
- 3 Lessons
- 1 Quiz
- 1h Duration
lfa Conference Call Class Agenda
1 Lesson1 Quiz
- Conference Call Agenda
- Conference Call Agenda Quiz
Omo Awa Study Outline
2 Lessons
- Omo Awa Study Outline
- Omo Awo Video